Griffin Tool, Inc. is associated with key collaborative partners in our industry.
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American Foundry Society
The American Foundry Society (AFS) is a non-profit association serving members of the metal casting supply chain both in the United States and abroad. Through various resources, AFS provides members with advocacy coordination and efforts in Washington, D.C., ongoing technical education through its Institute, as well as the transfer of innovative research and technology to the industry, its suppliers and those who buy castings. Membership is individual or corporate and is made up of three markets, including: metalcasters and producers of metal cast parts, metalcasting suppliers, and casting buyers/original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s). Student membership is also extended to future leaders of the metalcasting industry at a nominal cost. The society was founded in 1896 and serves more than 700 corporate members and close to 8,000 individual members, including metalcasting suppliers and OEM facilities in more than 41 countries worldwide, covering all metal casting processes and materials. American Foundry Society (afsinc.org)
North American Die Casting Association
The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) was founded in 1989 through the merger of the American Die Casting Institute (ADCI, founded in 1928) and the Society of Die Casting Engineers (SDCE, founded in 1957). NADCA represents the voice of the die casting industry and is committed to promoting industry awareness, domestic growth in the global marketplace and member exposure. Headquartered in Arlington Heights, IL, the association is comprised of both individual members and corporate members located throughout United States, Canada and Mexico. NADCA is heavily involved in identifying industry needs, expanding funding sources and dispelling myths associated with die casting techniques. Indeed, NADCA has an entire technical archive and library dedicated to improving the flow of information on die cast part quality and repeatability. Industry research projects and findings are disseminated through books, CDs and software, as well published in its two bi-monthly magazines — Die Casting Engineer and its corporate members-only publication LINKS.
Cornerstone Alliance
Cornerstone Alliance is a non-profit, investor-governed economic development organization primarily focused on increasing employment opportunities, private sector capital investments and the local tax base in Michigan’s Great Southwest with specialized business services offered in economically distressed areas. They deliver customer-focused economic development solutions through partnerships that grow employment opportunities, increase the tax base and add to the economic vibrancy of our area. As Berrien County’s lead economic development agency, Cornerstone Alliance knows that the community can achieve inclusive growth by taking proactive measures that support more opportunities for minority entrepreneurship, minority hiring and improved minority education opportunities. We will hold each other accountable and share our progress in reaching long-term change for our minority and underserved populations.
Americans Systems Registrar
ASR was established in 1997 by a team of Experienced Auditors, Successful Quality Professionals, and Experts in the Standards/Technical Specifications that ASR services. These Leaders believed that Quality or Environmental standards should be utilized as business management tools. Our COMMITMENT is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your system(s) contributing to future improvements. We are proud to offer a synergistic "Partnership" Approach to registration by creating a "Three-Way Partnership" for a "WIN-WIN-WIN" Relationship between our valued customers, seasoned auditors, and Worldwide Corporate office